crazy color screen after boot

Jackle cybrjackle at
Sat Sep 18 05:01:41 UTC 2004

--- Sam Folk-Williams <sam.folkwilliams at>

> Hi,
> Just installed Ubuntu and this funny thing happens.
> After the system
> boots up, but before the log-in screen appears, the
> screen turns into
> this crazy mess of colors, flashing green and
> yellow. Looks like X is
> trying to start but failing. If I hit
> ctrl-alt-backspace to close X,
> it restarts just fine with the normal ubuntu log-in
> screen... I assume
> there must be some messed up configuration... This
> happens every time
> I boot and the fix is always the same, too. Any idea
> what files I
> should look at? Anyone else having this issue?
> Thanks,
> Sam
I do with a Nvidia GeForce FX 5700 ultra, I've had the
problem before and I think its xfree86 4.3.  In the
past in other distro's 4.4 and xorg work fine.  The
only way i've ever got it to work with 4.3 is to go
straight to 3d "nvidia" drivers.

What kind of card do you have?

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