Anyone gotten VMware tools to work in Warty?

Gergely Nagy algernon at
Fri Sep 17 18:45:23 UTC 2004

> The subject says it all: anybody managed to get VMware
> tools to work in a Warty installation in a VMware
> virtual machine?

Worked for me, with a little post-fixing.

> First off, I am able to completely and successfully
> install and run Warty. In the process of installation
> VMware tools, I am forced to compile a "VMware
> monitor" for the default kernel in use - this also
> runs to completion just fine. However, after
> installing VMware tools, the X server just bombs out
> at startup and I am dumped to text mode. Any
> ideas/comments?

Check /var/log/XFree86.log, that might have a hint. For me, it was that
VMWare set my mouse device to /dev/mouse, which didn't exit, so X died
because it didn't find a core pointer. Setting it back to
/dev/input/mice made it work just fine.

(Also, diffing /etc/X11/XF86Config-4* might give you a hint too)

Gergely Nagy

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