First impressions with Ubuntu

nicola nicola at
Fri Sep 17 15:34:34 UTC 2004

Hi to everyone !
I've tried installing Ubuntu on my Acer TM803LMi centrino based laptop.
I had all the partitions made up with Partition Magic and I erased & 
reformatted them (reiserfs) within the normal install procedure. I've also 
said to the system to mount the fat32 partition leaving & using the
data and to mount them on /mnt/data-mobile.
Everything seemed to be ok, but after the first reboot the system had an
up" with the check of the fat32 partiton. The procedure told me something 
about lenght of file-names or truncating them. At one point it has just 
stopped and after 15 minutes of nothing I did a reboot on M$ and continued
do my business as usual, so the fat32 partion isn't screwed up.

Any hints on that ?
Do I have to try another installation WITHOUT mounting the fat32 partition
then add it manually to the fstab?

Thanks in advance !

                    Nicola  -  KOOLINUS  -  Losito
icq:62837984  msn:koolinuz at  jabber-ID:koolinus at

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