display refresh rate problems

Daniel Stone daniel.stone at canonical.com
Fri Sep 17 08:23:31 UTC 2004

On Fri, Sep 17, 2004 at 09:49:36AM +0200, Daniel Borgmann wrote:
> On Fri, 2004-09-17 at 00:10 -0700, Daniel Stone wrote:
> > Could you please send me the output of ddcprobe (run as root)?
> daniel at merlin ~ $ sudo ddcprobe
> [...]
> edidfail

Aha, that's the problem.  Your monitor is actually incapable of doing
DDC -- we can't even pick up the name of the monitor automatically. 

Fabio, would you accept a fallback of prompting the user with a list of
monitors and resolutions generated from the Linux Monitors Database or
whatever it's called if DDC fails?

> > Also, could you please run XRESPROBE_DEBUG=yes sudo xresprobe nv?
> daniel at merlin ~ $ XRESPROBE_DEBUG=yes sudo xresprobe nv
> laptop: ; ddc: yes
> attempting DDC detection
> id:
> res:
> freq:
> id:
> res:
> freq:
> That looks somewhat empty. :/

Yep.  Ho hum.  There's nothing we can do anout this for Warty, but it
might be fixed for Hoary.

:) d

Daniel Stone                                        <daniel.stone at canonical.com>
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