New to Ubuntu

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Fri Sep 17 07:42:58 UTC 2004

On Fri, Sep 17, 2004 at 03:14:58AM -0400, Al Simcoe wrote:

> I have just downloaded "warty-powerpc.iso"
> 	1. Do I assume that this is the Install disk?


> 	 2. Where do I find the Live PowerPC download?
> 	 3. What is the Live PowerPC file called?

There is no PowerPC Live CD available at this time.

> 	 4. Are both the Install and Live disks Dual G5 2 gig compatible?

I am uncertain whether this configuration has been tested; please let us
know if you try it.

> 	 5. Are both the Install and Live disks G4 733 mhz compatible?

I have tested the install on a 1.25GHz G4 desktop; all other things being
equal, it should work well.

 - mdz

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