Ubuntu PPC

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at canonical.com
Thu Sep 16 10:50:28 UTC 2004

Hi Matthew!

On 2004-09-16 18:48 +0800, Matthew PROUSE wrote:
> What is the status of the PPC build of Ubuntu? Is it as stable, compatible or 
> iBook friendly as Debian PPC; or would it be better to wait for a future 
> release?

Ubuntu ppc has exactly the same packages as for i386, thus it is as
stable as the other supported platforms. I'm running it on by iBook G4
with great success and without any problems.

Give it a whirl! We would be very interested in a report with any
glitches you still might find.



Matin Pitt                        http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer            http://www.ubuntulinux.org
Debian GNU/Linux Developer       http://www.debian.org
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