Warty PPC - Dual Boot - yaboot problems

Carlos Perello Marin carlos at interactors.coop
Thu Oct 28 20:12:35 UTC 2004

On Wed, 2004-10-27 at 21:33 -0400, Will Backman wrote:
> Just a note for those people who might be trying to dual boot Ubuntu and
> OSX.  If install of yaboot doesn't detect your OSX, it will not be in the
> list at boot.
> Don't dispair - Boot off your OSX install disk, and when the Installation
> starts up, you can access the pull-down menus and select the boot device. 
> It should detect the OSX system partition.  Select it, and upon reboot,
> you will no longer have to go through yaboot.

It's easier if after the welcome sound you hold press the alt key, it
will show you a graphical boot dialog with all OS installed in your
Apple computer.

Once in MacOSX you can select to boot MacOSX by default from the control


> -- 
> Will Backman
> Coastal Enterprises, Inc.
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