Lose ability to resolve every 60 minutes or so

Matt Zimmerman mdz at canonical.com
Sun Oct 31 23:16:48 UTC 2004

On Sun, Oct 31, 2004 at 08:10:08PM +0200, Craig Adams wrote:

> ============
> sudo [editor] /etc/modutils/aliases
> ##Use the editor of your choice eg vi / nano / gedit
> Look for this line:
> '# alias net-pf-10 off # IPv6'
> Change the line to: (remove the '# ')
> 'alias net-pf-10 off # IPv6'

This has no effect; that file is used for 2.4 kernels only.

> ##Now to remove the ipv6 module - this will generate some future errors
> sudo bash
> cd /lib/modules/[kernel version]/kernel/net/ipv6
> ##Kernel version is probably '' or ''
> Rename the ipv6.ko file:
> mv ipv6.ko ipv6.ko.disabled

This will have the desired effect, but the change will be undone when the
kernel package is next upgraded.

 - mdz

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