M4A playback

David Eriksson twogood at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Oct 28 20:38:57 UTC 2004

On Thu, 2004-10-28 at 21:17, Ben Novack wrote:
> Totem-xine will *open* M4A files, but it immediately declares that
> another program's using the audio device, which I'm pretty sure isn't
> true. Besides, it doesn't make a wonderful jukebox program. Is there a
> way I can get xmms or Rhythmbox to play (unencrypted, of course) .m4a
> files?

You need faad2 decoding in gstreamer to play M4A in Rhythmbox. I haven't
bothered to install this on Ubuntu, but on Fedora Core, this is in the
package named "gstreamer-plugins-extra-audio".

               -\- David Eriksson -/-

        SynCE - http://synce.sourceforge.net
       CalcEm - http://calcem.sourceforge.net
      ScummVM - http://scummvm.sourceforge.net
     Desquirr - http://desquirr.sourceforge.net
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