duel booting with 2x *nix

Rob Weir rweir at ertius.org
Thu Oct 28 15:51:28 UTC 2004

On Thu, Oct 28, 2004 at 02:08:06PM +0100, Simon Burke said
> > 
> > > If so would it impair stability or stuff? And would it be possible to
> > > do so with BSD and linux?
> > 
> > No issues I've ever heard of regarding using a shared swap partition.
> > Not positive regarding BSD & Linux sharing, but my inclination is that
> > it would be fine.
> > 
> I posted it on the freebsd-question list, and now i am dobutful about
> it working with BSD as 'FreeBSD has several partitions(not the same
> kind) on the same
> slice(FreeBSD's equivalent to a partition).'
> So AFAIK linux will only see one partition fopr BSD so unless i can
> tell BSD to use a diff swap space outisde the allocated BSD slice, it
> shall be an interesting experiment i guess

Linux can run in BSD disk slices, but I'm not sure partman (the
installer's partitioner in Ubuntu) can create them, or if the Ubuntu
kernel includes support.


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