Humanity without humans (default Artwork)

Ville Vainio vivainio at
Thu Oct 28 15:14:50 UTC 2004

On Thu, 2004-10-28 at 14:03 +0200, Turing Test wrote:

> cultures forbid this representations. But I doubt that reverting to a
> totally abstract theme is the only possible solution for this. I'd
> like to propose an idea for a theme that explicitly portrays the idea
> of strong human imagery, while keeping free of direct human
> representations.

The Ubuntu logo is not totally abstract - it portrays 3 people holding
hands. Strong enough human imagery for most, I think.

> with footsteps on wet sand could do the trick. Trails tell stories
> about humans; so showing several trails that join and advance in
> parallel does effectively transmit the idea of humans walking together
> side by side.

I think it might be a good idea to not overdo the touchie-feelie-happy
aspect; it might backfire by creating an image of a "hippie" distro,
with users singing Kumbaya by a campfire. Again, it's something that
corporations will find questionable and unprofessional. 

Subtle and sophisticated beats in-your-face every time. It's the
difference between being taken seriously, perhaps evoking some thoughts,
and being considered ridiculous and ignored altogether.

> I hope not to reopen the flaming debate on the controversial default
> artwork with this post! :-)

Well, it's not about defaults so I figure people won't care that much.

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