DVD - DriveReady SeekComplete Error

Sean Hammond sean.hammond at bluebottle.com
Wed Oct 27 23:12:04 UTC 2004

Okay, so it looks like the drive is program because it won't even boot
from the drive now, outside of Linux. Ubuntu appears to detect the
drive but the gets the Seek Complete error.

One thing bugs me though - the failed to load `toshiba_acpi module' at
boot. Would this occur BECAUSE the drive was broken as it seems to be?
Or is it
 more likely the drive isn't working because of this message?

Quoting volvoguy <volvoguy at gmail.com>:

> Hi Sean,
> I don't have an answer for you unfortunately, but those errors are
> very similar to the ones I saw when my hard drive died recently.
> :(
> Perhaps if you get an answer, it'll help me track down what
> happened to me. 
> Good luck!
> Aaron
> -- 
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