Getting Mouse 3/4/5 to Work

Kevin Mulligan kevin at
Wed Oct 27 22:16:20 UTC 2004

Coming from a Windows environment, I really miss being able to use Mouse 
3/4/5 fresh off of the install. Sivan Green told me to post here so all 
users could benefit.

I'd like to be able to have:
Mouse 3 go 'back' in Firefox
Mouse 4 (center/roll) to click and be able to scroll up and down through 
pages/documents without having to constantly actually roll the center 
button (Windows users you know what I'm talking about, you click, some 
arrows appear, and you can move the mouse to make it scroll fast or slow)
Mouse 5 to go 'forward' in Firefox.

Currently these buttons do strange things in Firefox, like loading a 
random webpage, or nothing.

Thanks for the help,

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