Gnome dot releases

Robert Brimhall rbrimhall at
Wed Oct 27 14:04:04 UTC 2004

> People won't choose their distro based on whether it has a point release
> of GNOME. Look at the changelogs. In the future (and to a small extent
> already), a big chunk of the GNOME point release changelogs will be bugs
> fixed by Ubuntu developers for the Ubuntu release, which are integrated
> into GNOME for their point release.
I think some people will and one of them would of been me pre-Ubuntu ;)

> When we release warty, that's it for six months, apart from high-impact,
> dataloss or security bugs. This is so you can be sure that your stable
> Ubuntu install stays stable. The same policy applies to other distros,
> though they may have more time between their releases (and thus, older
> software).

You're right. Fedora has a 6 month release cycle and Slack does too...
however, Dropline GNOME is a bit unique since it is a 3rd party
collection of software and is "automatically" updated periodically to
the most update GNOME software... Once again, I still would stick with
Ubuntu... I was just discussing the issue...
> Six months is not long to wait for a fully refreshed, stable, supported
> OS release. :-)

You're right of course! And I guess the brave among us can always
switch to Hoary and be even more up to date even faster! ;)



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