Would Ubuntu be the first distro to support Pocket PC devices out of the box?

Ross D smoothrt at gmail.com
Wed Oct 27 13:28:41 UTC 2004

As a newbie, I think it is essential that synce be integrated into the
next version of ubuntu.  Most linux distributions have easy ways to
sync Palm OS to linux on a desktop, but none have PocketPC syncing out
of the box, which they all should.  As someone who recently moved away
from windows to linux, thanks to ubuntu, the only thing that's keeping
me from getting rid of my dual-boot and windows partition is the
ability to easily synce my pda.  Synce seems like a great program, and
David was great about answering all of my posts, but the program's
setup and configuration, as they stand now, are just too beyond a
novice like me.  I urge the developers to include this in the next
release, it is very important for those of us who are dependent on our
pocketpc pda, and didn't forsee into the future and realize a palm was
more compatiblie.

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