an shell script I made for Ubuntu

Senectus . senectus at
Tue Oct 26 10:52:10 UTC 2004

On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 09:56:58 +0000, netdur <durnet at> wrote:
> Hey,
> this script should be executed in every boot, it should detect
> partitions and mount it, I think this script is better than edit fstab
> statically... because may people re-partition HD or change file system
> of an partition... also this can be helpful for none-technical users,
> this is actually my first shell script I code, so don't laugh at me if
> you find it poor code

I'm not sure that this would be a great idea.. I could be wrong but if
you mount a partition that has been used to "hibernate" or "suspend" a
system, I'm pretty sure you will irreversibly corrupt that file
system... (i'm sure I've heard that somewhere)
If this is true, most "average" users will not be aware of that and it
may automatically destroy their windows data..

Nothing dies faster than a new idea in a closed mind.

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