MOL on Ubuntu PPC?

Wouter Eerdekens retuow at
Tue Oct 26 05:50:42 UTC 2004


All the mol packages depend on mol-modules. These are 2 kernel modules 
and must match your running kernel. You can build the modules yourself 
by first downloading mol-modules-source and the kernel headers of your 
kernel and then build and install the package. Afterwards you can 
install mol, mol-drivers-macos, etc.

I wrote small guid on this. It can be found here:

Hope this helps.


Jean-Philippe Jung (Spymac) wrote:
> Hi,
> I am intenting to get MOL installed on a G3 Blue & White.
> With Synaptics I enabled the Universe access and can see the MOL 
> packages. But whenever I select any MOL component (the emulator, the 
> drivers for Linux or OS 9- or all of them) Synaptic protest it misses 
> some dependancies and just stop cold.
> Any idea out there?
> Thanks,
> JP

Wouter Eerdekens
                                     "Revenge is a dish best served cold"
retuow at                              -- Ancient Klingon Proverb

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