I just wanna do my job

Lars Henrik Ørn lars_henrik at esenet.dk
Tue Oct 19 22:59:01 UTC 2004

Hi everybody!!

I have installed Warthy a few days ago. Everything looks very fine (its
one of the best distributions i have seen, in regards of installtion and
whithout the normal bugs). 

There is just one thing. As a professional violinist, and working with
such unusual things as, notewriting, DTP and musical arrangement. Until
now i have been using Debian, and i could do my work there, with
minortrouble, but with warthy i can not get lilypond, Scribus, one of
thegraphical interfaces for lilypond (notedit, rosegarden or denemo). It
means that i will have to get them and compile for myself (not a big
business but a problem to a lott of people). I know it is impossible to
include every program (and you shouldnt), but i hope that it in future
versions will be poosible to do allmost any task.

It would be nice if this distribution could make a lot out of having a
broad spectrum of programs, so it is posible to do your normal work on
the system ,even if your work requires a bit more than officework (for
wich everyting is just fine, using that every day as well)

With regards

Lars Henrik

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