Minor Gnome annoyances

Ecmel Ercan ecmel at ercansoy.com
Mon Oct 25 22:17:48 UTC 2004

On Mon, 25 Oct 2004 11:24:01 -0700, June Tate wrote:

> On Mon, 2004-10-25 at 18:37 +0300, Ecmel Ercan wrote:
> ...snip...
>> 3. The inbox monitor has awful icons :) and does not provide a secure
>> means of login.
> I agree -- the inbox monitor's icons _are_ pretty bad -- but that's not
> the biggest problem I have with it. I'm actually annoyed that it doesn't
> have anything other than plain text authorization and doesn't have an
> IMAP/POP over SSL connection method. I'd rather not have my passwords
> blasted across the 'net unencrypted every 10 minutes, thanks. =op

Right now I am using http://www.nongnu.org/mailnotify/ (with SSL) and it
has all the features that you mentioned. Hope it will make into Ubuntu in
the future.

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