A problem regarding installing phpwiki.

Kent Nyberg nyberg.kent at spray.se
Sun Oct 24 22:45:13 UTC 2004

Hello to you.

I am trying to install phpwiki on Ubuntu. Using Fedora before I had no
problems at all getting it to work. But now it suddenly refuse.

I have installed phpwiki and sqlite through synaptic.
When i browse http://localhost/  (which is where the wiki is supposed to
be) i get the message bwlow. Could some one explain if its my fault or
if its debianpackage of phpwiki thats wrong. 

lib/WikiDB/backend/PearDB.php:711: Fatal[256]: wikidb_backend_sqlite:
fatal database error

      * DB Error: no such table
      * (1 ** SELECT page.id as id, page.pagename as pagename, page.hits
        as hits, page.pagedata as pagedata FROM page WHERE
        pagename='global_data' [nativecode=no such table: page])

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