Synaptic "universe" repository error

Łukasz Nowak Lukasz at
Sun Oct 24 19:36:04 UTC 2004


Dnia nie 24. października 2004 21:27, Todd Chambery napisał:
> Hey all,
> I'm trying to setup Ubuntu to play mp3s and avi files, and read
> something in the FAQ about using the "Universe" repository to fetch the
> mp3 decoder for rhythmbox or apps with the functionality built in.
> However, after selecting the Universe repository under , I get this
> error:
> Couldn't stat source package list
> warty/universe Packages
> (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_warty_universe_binary-i
>386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)

The solution is to push "Refresh" button in synaptic.

Well, as I see, that should be done automaticly, after changing repositories 
in synaptic, maybe after dialog box.

Lukasz Nowak

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