Post installation questions.

Daniel Robitaille robitaille at
Sun Oct 24 07:02:08 UTC 2004

> We've seen the Firefox issue come up a number of times already. Of
> course Erik's answer is absolutely correct, but I'm wondering what (if
> any) negative effects there might be in installing the Firefox right
> from in /home/user/bin?
> This is what I've always done on other distros that don't have Firefox
> in their own repository. Is it an issue to have two executables with
> the same name, even if you keep /home/user/bin out of your path? (ie.
> the only way to launch it is with a launcher.)
> Thoughts? Comments? Is this a reasonably safe workaround until we
> start playing with Hoary?

that's exactly what I'm doing here.  I downloaded the latest Firefox 
from  Installed it in it's own /usr/local/MozillaFirefox
directory.  In /usr/local/bin I added a little shell script that
execute the binary /usr/local/MozillaFirefox/firefox (but I suspect a
symlink in /usr/local/bin to point to the firefox binary  would work
as well)

As long as in your PATH environment variable /usr/local/bin/ is pretty
early running "firefox" should give you this nearly-installed version
1.0 instead of the officially installed 0.9.3; That will work when
running firefox  from either the command line or by clicking the globe
icon in the panel on the desktop.  I have been doing it ever since
firefox was downgraded from 1.0.1 in warty a little while back without
any problems; and I have used similar approached in other distros in
the past to run Phoenix/Firebird/Firefox.

As for the problems I was experiencing with Ubuntu's official Firefox
1.0, I have never seen them in the binary directly obtained from


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