Shutdown hangs at: "ACPI_power_off_called".

Darren Critchley darrenc at
Sat Oct 23 17:55:27 UTC 2004

Bill Stoye wrote:


>>It may be your motherboard, I have sveral Soyo SY-K7VEMPRO and I have 
>>tried them with lots of different distros, and while it is an excellent 
>>windows board, it is a poor player in the Linux arena. I had to do a 
>>bios upgrade just to get them stable enough to run Linux and at that, if 
>>you put anything faster than 1Gig, you are back to having kernel panics. 
>>The video on this particular model was really bad as well, often having 
>>weird lines, etc in the screen. I have tried Redhat 7,8,9, Fedora Core 
>>1, Suse, Xandros, Lycoris and Libranet on them.
>>I would recommend reading any FAQ's etc at Soyo's site, perhaps consider 
>>upgrading the bios as well.
>>After our experiences with the above mentioned board, we decided not to 
>>purchase any more Soyo boards at our company.
>I had read this morning, somewhere in the ubuntu-users email from one of
>the frequent responsees, that Soyo boards worked best with AMD
>processors, I chose AMD because I read they work so well with Linux.
>This particular board was a fairly new product(past winter) from Soyo.
>It worked rock solid with Libranet 2.8.1, with the 2.4.25 kernel and it
>worked(shutdown) just fine in Ubuntud until I installed the 'nvidia'
>The only BIOS upgrades I find at the SOYO site for my board are .exe
I was using AMD durons in mine.
But seen as the board worked before, I will retract that reasoning.
I do see what could possibly the culprit - the Nvidia driver that you 
speak of, was it the 3D driver that is out of restricted? I have seen 
several complaints about stability, and other weird goings on with the 
Nvidia driver installed.
Try going back to the default video driver and see if your unit shuts down.


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