Firefox bookmarks gone! (more info)

Anonymous ulist at
Sun Oct 10 07:46:28 UTC 2004

> > Yup, that would be it. It loaded root's empty bookmark file
and saved it
> > over yours. Beware.
> Yeah, that happened to me too. How's that for screwed up

it's a byproduct of running a application like firefox as root via  a
simple sudo.

To get a proper "root environment" for Firefox, you need to do
like "sudo su - " then run firefox, which this time will be exactly as
if you were logged on as root via X.

Just compare the output from the environment variable $HOME done from
a normal "sudo -s"  versus one done with "sudo su - ":

$ sudo -s
# echo $HOME

$ sudo su -
#  echo $HOME

Now you can probably see why running "sudo firefox" will problem
create problesm once firefox start changing things in your .mozilla
directory in your home directory, and not root's .mozilla.  That's why
the bookmarks file got clobbered.

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