How to change language?

Petri Pennanen suvarin at
Fri Oct 22 18:15:35 UTC 2004

On Fri, 2004-10-22 at 16:42 +0100, Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
> I installed Ubuntu on my spare laptop from the sounder 9 CD about 2 
> weeks ago. I've updated things gradually, and AFAICT I now have an up to 
> date final Warty System, running nicely. I'd like to pass the machine on 
> to my mother now, as hers has died. Although her English is fairly good, 
> I'm sure she'd prefer it to be in Norwegian. Changing the keyboard 
> layout is easy, but how do I change the default language of menus, etc. 
> in Gnome, post-install? I'd think it would be obvious, but I can't seem 
> to find it ...

	sudo dpkp-reconfigure locales
from a terminal. Generate norwegian locales and choose what you want for
default. It should work on reboot (maybe logout is enough).

- Petri

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