Thought about speeding up startup...

Noah Dain noahdain at
Fri Oct 22 04:22:30 UTC 2004

my laptop clocks in at around 120 seconds until I get to the gdm login.

just for sh-ts and grins, I thinned out my kernel's modules.pcimap
file from 138k to 12k, and it didn't make the slightest difference. 
Same boot times, same "pause" while loading modules.  So, I doubt
doing a parser in C will help any.

but i could just be doing something wrong, i guess.

Noah Dain
ndain at

On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 12:29:34 +0900, janne <jan.moren at> wrote:
> tor 2004-10-21 klockan 23:08 -0400 skrev Michael S. Jessop:
> > Even tho' I was part of the speed-up discussion, I wonder why I/we
> > am/are so obsessed with startup times.  I mean, I always get a thrill
> > when my BeOS machine starts (on older hardware) faster than anything
> > else I have running on more modern, faster equipment.  But why?  :)
> > Isn't it kind of weird?  I mean, what is 30 to 40 or even 180 seconds
> > out of your day (if you boot daily - which I do not, my machines are
> > always on).
> For me, at least, it becomes an issue every single time I pick up my
> laptop. Letting your machine boot up in the morning while you're off
> getting a mug of coffee is of course no problem, but it is a pain when
> you decide not to pick up the laptop in the waiting are for ten minutes,
> simply because you don't want the 60 second boot up and 30 second
> shutdown time.
> Of course, once we have reliable suspend working everywhere this will be
> a moot point - but today, it is flaky on some machines, and nonworkable
> on most others. Shutting down and rebooting is the only feasible option
> in many cases.
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