Apt-get upgrade after Warty

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at canonical.com
Fri Oct 22 04:11:31 UTC 2004

On Fri, 2004-10-22 at 00:03 -0400, Tim Schmidt wrote:
> So, during Warty development I've been using the 'Smart Upgrade'
> feature of Synaptic, which I believe is that same thing as apt-get
> dist-upgrade.  Correct? 


> Now that Warty is final, should I be doing
> apt-get upgrade or continue on with the dist-upgrading?  I guess what
> I'm asking is will dist-upgrade start me down the road toward Hoary?

They'll both work fine. It won't matter which one you use until you add
hoary lines to your sources.list, at which point 'dist-upgrade' will be
the most useful, because it will do the right thing with adding or
replacing packages when required.

'dist-upgrade' is kind of misnamed in a way, but then, 'smart upgrade'
is not really any better. ;-)

- Jeff

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