Widescreen Aspect

calle carl.johan at gmail.com
Fri Oct 22 01:40:45 UTC 2004

I'm using an Inspiron 8500 laptop with a wide screen.
Thing is, the artwork in ubuntu does not scale well with this screen.

Currently, the wide-artwork is resolution 1600x900 which translates to
16x9 aspect, which is what most television and dvd:s call widescreen.

Wide monitors (and some new hdtv's) use the aspect 16x10 though.

Is there any way of letting the artwork people know this? I think the
desktop backgrounds should definitely be 16x10 instead of 16x9, since
i don't know of any computer monitors using the 16x9 aspect.

The highest 16x10 resolution i've heard of is 1920x1200, but since the
4x3 image is in 1600x1200 resolution i guess 1680x1050 would be closer
to that.

Also, is there any effort put into aspect-izing the gdm theme?
Aspect-deforming is always very ugly (imho..) and as it is now, of
course everything should scale since we don't want to create lots and
lots of pictures for every resolution. But at least create one for
every aspect? That would amout to two resolutions; 16x10 and 4x3
(possibly 16x9 if that is even interesting?)

Anyone else have thoughts on this?

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