is Ubuntu meant to automate adding new cdroms?

Oliver Grawert hostmaster at
Thu Oct 21 17:57:42 UTC 2004

Am Donnerstag, den 21.10.2004, 18:40 +0100 schrieb Mark C:
> I've just added another cdrom drive, turned on the pc and ubuntu never 
> updated any files, udev found the drive (i checked /proc/ide/ and then 
> dev), but no mount points were created or added to fstab.
> Is this meant to automatically happen under Ubuntu or do we still have 
> to add all these manually?
unfortunately it's still up to you to add it to the fstab, this is planned to get 
solved in the next release.
> discover seems to be setup for manageing cdrom mount points:
> /etc/default/discover:
discover isn't used beyond the installation process, a running ubuntu
uses hotplug.


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