Installing Java JRE/SDK?

Michele Cella dredoz at
Thu Oct 21 15:32:32 UTC 2004

Hi David,

first of all add multiverse to your apt sources list:

    echo deb warty *multiverse* | sudo 
tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list


    sudo apt-get update

now take a look at

and follow these istructions.

It worked well for me.


David Marsh wrote:

>Ohdear, Sun really do themselves no favours in making it unnecessarily
>difficult for everybody else to distribute and install Java.. :-(
>Anyway, what exactly is the least painful way to get a reasonably
>uptodate JRE installed that Firefox (and Konqueror) can use?
>  makes it all sound very complicated
>(unfortunately, I guess it is), and it's a good start, but it does have 
>a few newbie-unfriendly omissions, unfortunately:
>1  Blackdown debs - this is JRE 1.1, is this too out of date for yer 
>average applet these days?
>2  "requires 'multiverse' in sources.list"
>What's the appropriate 'deb' line for that?
>This looks like it may be the least painful (and most clean) way otherwise?
>3  Blackdown installer
>What's the exact file(s) needed here?
>There are folders for various versions *but also* a debian folder.
>Is it the debian folder we want? 
>(And then where, once we're in there, if so?)
>4  Link provided by Ubtuntu
>  no longer does what the FAQ page says it does..
>  appears to be largely
>'2' but without deb-ifying the package?
>..although it does tell you how to get Firefox to recognise the Java
>Any advice on the best/easiest way to do this would be much appreciated.

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