Cannot print on Epson Stylus C60

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Thu Oct 21 14:27:10 UTC 2004


David Marsh [2004-10-21 14:30 +0100]:
> >  about: Re: Cannot print on Epson Stylus C60 
> >
> >> I had a very similar problem with my Lexmark Z53 (which also uses
> >> gimpprint).  What I discovered was that if I switched the printer from
> >> the parallel port to the USB port (that printer model works with
> >> both), all my printer problems disapeared.  
> >
> > Ah, interesting, this printer is also dual parallel/USB. Unfortunately 
> > I don't have a USB cable, although I suppose I could go and buy one if
> > need be.
> Followup..
> I've borrowed a USB cable from one of my friends, and sure enough, I can
> get the printer to work now!
> (An intriguing turnaround from the days when good ol' parallel ports worked 
> just fine on Linux and when USB was a black art requiring sacrifices..  ;-)
> Thanks for that tip, I'll add it to the Printers wikipage..

Gar, this is a brown paperbag bug. I just got a flash in my mind why
it does not work, and indeed it was right:

$ ls -l /dev/lp0
crw-rw----    1 root     lp         6,   0 2004-10-21 09:09 /dev/lp0

$ id cupsys
uid=103(cupsys) gid=107(lpadmin) Gruppen=107(lpadmin),7(lp),20(dialout)

The cups server runs as normal user (for security reasons); I even
thought about stuffing cupsys into group 'dialout' to make serial
printers work, but I just plainly forgot about 'lp'.

Quick fix:

  sudo adduser cupsys lp

Please report whether this worked (it should), then I update the wiki
and file a bug report.

Martin Pitt             
Ubuntu Developer  
Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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