what do i need to compile packages myself

Stefan Kluth skluth at mppmu.mpg.de
Thu Oct 21 11:19:12 UTC 2004

On Thu, 21 Oct 2004, Daniel Silverstone wrote:

> On Thu, 2004-10-21 at 12:45 +0200, ulrich steffens wrote:
> > and is there anything other left i have to accomplish to compile some
> > tools myself?
> Install the 'build-essential' package. That will get you most of the way
> there.

sudo apt-get build-dep <package>
sudo apt-get source -b <package>

is all you need ;).  Unless you want to compile something out of universe
that didn't compile in the first place ... In some cases getting a newer
source from debian/unstable by temporarily redirecting apt helps.

cheers, Stefan

---Stefan Kluth, PhD----------Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter-----------
-  MPI fuer Physik         -  phone:  +49 89 32354 468  -      OPAL&  -
-  Foehringer Ring 6       -  fax:    +49 89 32354 305  -      ATLAS  -
---D-80805 Munich, Germany----e-mail: skluth at mppmu.mpg.de--------------

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