CD Shipping

suse at suse at
Thu Oct 21 09:21:45 UTC 2004

Hello everybody,

I just went in the Free CD Shipping Page and I ran into a litle problem:
I filled the form and set the number of CDs I wanted to receive.
I was in the hope that the next page would give me the price of the CD 
shipping and asked me to confirm my request.
What happened was that the system told me that it was going to send me the 
CDs without saying from where (I live in Portugal). The problem is that the shipping 
price can be very high (if the CDs are shipped from the US, for example).

My questions are:
- Does anyone know the usual shipping price for 10CDs?
- Does anyone know from where the CDs will be shipped?
- Is there a way to cancel the CD shipping if the price is too high?

Thanks in advance,
Francisco Maia

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