Upgrading to Warty final

h.engemann at basicartstudios.de h.engemann at basicartstudios.de
Wed Oct 20 19:23:14 UTC 2004

Matt Zimmerman wrote:

>On Wed, Oct 20, 2004 at 07:05:18PM +0100, Darren Wheatley wrote:
>>I just did "apt-get dist-upgrade" from the RC version.
>>Do I still need to do the extra steps?
>Yes.  Not all of them are applicable, but the ones which are inapplicable
>will be harmless.
i did this steps

sudo aptitude install ubuntu-base ubuntu-desktop
and it told me all are up2date(sorry for the redhatslang :), rh is past)
both are at 0.3, is that ok?
The scanner group also exists.
I only got new gnome-games and artwork today.

So far, congratulations for this great distro, im happy since the first day, maybe 3 weeks ago.(beside that the xserver crashes wen i wanna play quake3 in a different resolution)


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