Upgrading to Warty final

Darren Wheatley darren at tenjin.co.uk
Wed Oct 20 18:05:18 UTC 2004

Matt Zimmerman wrote:

>The Warty final release is now out the door.  Get it while it's hot!
>For those of you who have been following our pre-release versions, there may
>be a few extra steps that you need to take in order to be brought
>up-to-date.  There have been a few new defaults which were set up during
>installation, which would not be propagated through normal package upgrades.
>To ensure that you have all of the changes added since the Warty preview
>release, follow these steps:
>1. Upgrade your system in the usual way
>2. Follow the instructions at http://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/WartyWarthog/UpgradeNotes

I just did "apt-get dist-upgrade" from the RC version.

Do I still need to do the extra steps?



P.S. Congrats on the release!   8-)

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