How do I copy Audio CDs

Renato Biolcati Rinaldi nightpassage at
Wed Oct 20 17:47:44 UTC 2004

Il giorno mer, 20-10-2004 alle 18:02 +0100, Ben Edwards ha scritto:
> Could someone please give me advise on copying Audio CDs.  I have tried
> using k3b but, it seems to work but then it wont play in a domestic CD
> player.  This should work as it works OK using Roxio under Windows.

If you're using kernel 2.6.8 you may need to downgrade to 2.6.7 in order
to be able to burn audio CDs with K3B according to K3B web site:

==begin copy&paste==
Do not use Kernel 2.6.8
A patch that was introduced into the kernel shortly before the 2.6.8
release makes K3b and also the dvd+rw-tools unusable on Linux (unless
run as root but that is not recommended). The very important GET
CONFIGURATION MMC command is rejected by the kernel for reasons I cannot
see and writing commands like MODE SELECT also fail (K3b cannot detect
CD writers without it) even when the device is opened O_RDWR. Until this
issue has been solved I strongly recommend to stick to kernel version

Update: The kernel guys are currently fixing the problem so the next
kernel release should work again. :)

Update 2: The problem is NOT fixed in

Update 3: Be aware that kernel 2.6.8 also contains the memory leak which
makes it impossible to write audio cds, even as root.
==end copy&paste==

Actually I wasnt able to use K3B as user, after downgrade it works


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