Outcome of community meeting on 18 October

Christian Casimir c.casimir at laposte.net
Wed Oct 20 12:08:27 UTC 2004

> I really would like to see a more Human-Centric approach to computers in
> general - and Linux in particular. Replacing abstract pictures, themes,
> whatever, with friendlier, perhaps more emotional ones is not a big step
> in that direction but at last it IS one.

Absolutely true !

> Right after the meeting on Monday I had a bright idea: Why not creating
> a Ubuntu short-film ?
> The story could be created here, within the community. Maybe some kind
> of brainstorming, whatever. Once we have a story at hand we would have
> to workout the rest of the production details. 

I find this to be an excellent idea ! A couple of short-films that would 
allow most people to identify with Ubuntu and think : "So, that's 
something for me !". One for home users, another one for corporations, 
and why not a song with a video-clip (featuring - it might sound 
completely stupid... just thinking aloud ! - a Nobel Prize for Peace or 
somebody like that, that is : someone known and respected worldwide, not 
controverted, apolitical and going along the Ubuntu philosophy).

Sorry for my English (I'm a Frenchie...)

Christian Casimir

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