using vino/vncviewer

Scott Sweeny ssweeny at
Wed Oct 20 04:54:53 UTC 2004

On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 00:43:57 -0400, volvoguy <volvoguy at> wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Oct 2004 20:42:28 -0500, thebigfatgeek
> <ulist at> wrote:
> > one question, If I am on the Linux machine via SSH and Cygwin and I want to run something like a filemanager what is the actual app to run? WWW is mozilla, which is 'fairly' obvious but what do Ubuntu use as a filemanager? I know it is an obvious Windows type question, but I am trying, really I am! :D
> That would be "Nautilus".

Hate to pick nits and all, but I believe the "actual app to run" is
"nautilus" (just wanted to clarify to anyone coming from Win32 that
case matters)
~Scott Sweeny
ssweeny at

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