Sound preview in Nautilus

João Inácio inacio at
Tue Oct 19 18:16:37 UTC 2004

Robert Brimhall wrote:

>Awesome, I'll have to try it out when I get home. Thanks as well!
>On Tue, 19 Oct 2004 19:53:02 +0200, Bastian Doetsch
><bastian.doetsch at> wrote:
>>Am Dienstag, den 19.10.2004, 19:42 +0200 schrieb Sebastien Bacher:
>>>Le mardi 19 octobre 2004 à 18:58 +0200, Bastian Doetsch a écrit :
>>>>The sound preview in Nautilus doesn't work for me. Is this normal in
>>>>Ubuntu? My Mandrake used to play the file when I hovered with my mouse
>>>>over the file.
>>>>Is there a way to fix it?
>>>Is "sox" installed ? Does "sox file" work ?
>>you're my hero :-). After having installed sox (it wasn't installed and
>>I had to get it from universe) the sound preview now works perfectly.
>>Thanks for your help,
>>>Sebastien Bacher
>>"The path of excess leads to the palace of wisdom."
>>- William Blake, The marriage of heaven and hell
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Wiki page anyone? ;)
sounds like a very nice piece of information.

João Inácio

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