VNC performance

sparkes sparkes at
Tue Oct 19 17:21:02 UTC 2004

thebigfatgeek wrote:
> How do I get to it (VNC) from a terminal, as I do not have direct access to the server. I do an automatic login on Ubuntu, and I think it takes my X11 display or what?
vnc is for showing (and using) a remote desktop and runs independantly 
of X.  Are you sure you need vnc.  I am sure you are aware that ubuntu 
is a *desktop* linux and is not really suited to headless machines ;-)

if you want to use ubuntu on a remote headless machine you might want to 
google for remote X under debian and then write up how to get it working 
under ubuntu for the wiki.  This would probably be a better solution to 
your problem if you just want to use the desktop on a machine in the garage.

If you really want to use vnc then it doesn't matter that X is running 
locally vnc is a service running on top of whatever windowing system you 
are using.  This is why vnc runs on so many platforms (and why you can 
scare your windows using freinds with it ;-) ).  To get it working you 
just need to start the vnc server on the machine and connect to it.

A few more details might help you get a fuller solution to your problem.

> Regards
> Pieter

<davee> "Sparkes, the Pete Best of LugRadio"

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