can't play solitaire *gasp!*

volvoguy volvoguy at
Tue Oct 19 00:34:15 UTC 2004

On Tue, 19 Oct 2004 02:18:47 +0200, Oliver Grawert
<hostmaster at> wrote:

> a shot into the blue:
> take a look at your configfiles, they are probably corrupt by whatever
> cause (i think moving them to a backup place should do no harm for
> testing).
> .gconf/apps/aisleriot/%gconf.xml
> .gnome2/aisleriot

Thanks Oli, I was just about to post the message that I "sort of"
fixed the problem. I searched around gconf-editor and found that the
default game variation listed was the 3rd party one I downloaded
myself. I changed the default game simply to klondike and now it
launches just fine. I looked at the files you mentioned also and it
looks like I could have fixed it there too.

Since this is such a silly thread, I'm going to keep my other
Aisleriot question here instead of opening another one. I would really
like to find out how to deal three cards in the klondike game. It even
mentions in the instructions for Aisleriot that you can set it to deal
three cards, but it doesn't say how or where and I can't find it
anywhere (hence the download that got me in trouble :-)


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