Ejecting cd via keyboard

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at canonical.com
Mon Oct 18 21:41:57 UTC 2004


Alan Medlock [2004-10-18 22:20 +0100]:
> Is it possible to open the cd and dvd drives on my G4 PowerMac using the
> eject key? If not can someone tell me the best way of opening/closing
> the drives?

On my iBook G4 this works out of the box by pressing F12 (just as in
MacOs). You have to keep it pressed for some seconds, though (you can
configure the delay, but this is the default).


Martin Pitt                       http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer            http://www.ubuntulinux.org
Debian GNU/Linux Developer       http://www.debian.org
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