mirroring archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu with rsync

Daniel B ubuntu at plumcreek.us
Mon Oct 18 19:44:10 UTC 2004

On Oct 18, 2004, at 1:19 PM, Thorsten von Plotho-Kettner wrote:

> http://www.ubuntulinux.org/download/mirror/document_view
> But waste of time, space and bandwidth. Just download what you really 
> need.

I don't know about it being a big waste...I don't really know what I 
*really* need. What I like is playing around with packages --- install 
this, remove that, repeat... so having everything local is a nice plus. 
And I have both PC and Mac hardware, so having packages for each 
platform is also nice.

It should also work well for the next LUG install-fest. I've been 
talking to people about Ubuntu and they all seem keen to give it a try. 
We don't have internet access where we meet and my little box will be 
able to get everyone up and going with all the stuff they could want. 
Should be fun!

Anyway, thanks for the link. :-) I have enough space for now, but not 
for Hoary. :-( Oh, well. Drives are cheap.

-- Daniel 

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