So what is really in my universe?

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Mon Oct 18 20:46:02 UTC 2004

On Sun, Oct 17, 2004 at 04:10:34PM -0700, Daniel Robitaille wrote:

> The solution is obviously less universe and more main in future
> releases

The packages are divided this way in order to serve a purpose, which is to
provide quality control and excellent support.  The packages in 'main' have
been extensively tested and reviewed, and will receive security updates and
support from Canonical.  We cannot promise support for every piece of
software which happens to be available in .deb format, and universe provides
the compromise.  Everything is available, but it is made clear what is
supported and what is not, and you can make an educated choice about what
you will use on your system.

> , or maybe a more frequent re-sync of Ubuntu's universe with
> Debian's  packages.  Essentially with Ubuntu's 6-month schedule,  you
> mostly get support on your universe only every 6 months or so  at
> dist-upgrade time. Is that enough for your average user?

 - mdz

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