viewing contents of tar/tar.gz/tgz files

John dingo at
Mon Oct 18 10:05:59 UTC 2004

Daniel Silverstone wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-10-18 at 05:18 -0400, volvoguy wrote:
>>>Under Debian putting the following in my .bashrc allows
>>>this to work. I don't know about Ubuntu.
>>>eval `lesspipe`
>>>lesspipe is found in /usr/bin/lesspipe
>>Just tried that and when I opened a new terminal, I got the following message:
>>export LESSOPEN="| /usr/bin/lesspipe %s";
>>export LESSCLOSE="/usr/bin/lesspipe %s %s";
>>The functionality didn't change. Doh!
> Erm, are you sure you used backticks there and not quote marks?
> eval 'lesspipe'
> is very very different to
> eval `lesspipe`
> the latter is correct (and uses backwards apostrophes)

This is clearer:
eval $(lesspipe)

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