Ubuntu - Venezuela Magic Earth

Ari Torhamo ari.torhamo at luukku.com
Mon Oct 18 04:50:06 UTC 2004

su, 2004-10-17 kello 23:21 -0400, jose rangel kirjoitti:
> Based on espiritu universal of Ubuntu,  I am making a series of
> wallpaper calls Venezuela-Magic Earth. 
> First it is the color in the shade.....when the sun falls in the sea
> http://www.gnome-look.org/content/files/17102-venezuela-magic%
> 20earth.jpg

Very, very nice Jose - great colours! I spent some time looking at the
picture. It has a calming effect on me. Thanks for the spanish lesson
too - I like the sound of "espiritu universal" :)


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