Mailing list discussion about the artwork
linux at
linux at
Mon Oct 18 01:19:31 UTC 2004
Jeff can you confirm the time of the meeting and the place, those of us in other
countries have to work out the time differences (my brain doesnt work well
monday mornings which is what it is here in australia)
Quoting Jeff Waugh <jeff.waugh at>:
> Hi all,
> Some of the threads about the artwork have devolved into name-calling
> and flaming, rather than simple discussion. Given that possibly every
> point of view that could be had on this issue has now been raised and
> discussed, let's just listen to the comments as they come in, without
> attempting to argue them each time. All of these points have been made
> already - listening to and learning from each other is more important
> now. :-)
> See you all at the community meeting!
> Thanks,
> - Jeff
> --
> Ooh, ooh, ooh! Ubuntu!
> --
> ubuntu-users mailing list
> ubuntu-users at
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