Women in Burkas

Nitebirdz nitebirdz at sacredchaos.com
Sun Oct 17 23:27:06 UTC 2004

On Sat, Oct 16, 2004 at 12:54:33AM -0400, s.roman wrote:
> I would also like to extend my support of the Ubuntu themes... and
> find it completely inoffensive

I also find it inoffensive, and actually like it so much that it's what
I use on my computer at home.  Yes, I have three children, and I simply
cannot see how they are going to be affected negatively by seeing those
pictures.  Still, this is clearly *not* an issue of whether you or me
find the theme offensive.  The reality is that quite a few people out
there will find them offensive due to whatever moral or religious
beliefs they may have.  There is no reason for me not to choose a
different *default* theme and allow other people the freedom to install
this other theme if they so wish.  The way I see it, it's just respect
for the convictions of others.  For the same reason, I wouldn't choose a
default theme that displays a large Christian cross (or any other
religious or political symbol) either.

Also, keep in mind that quite a few institutions have certain policies
about what can and cannot be used as a background theme for the systems
in their networks.  Again, while I do like the theme for my home
computer I will definitely not run it on my company desktop or laptop


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