Preview vs. Final Release

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Sun Oct 17 19:36:21 UTC 2004


Thomas Satzinger [2004-10-17 20:38 +0200]:
> Hi there,
> i do have the preview release installed and keep my packages up to date.
> Is there a difference to the final release? Means : should i download
> the final release or do i do fine with all the updates?

In general a freshly installed final release and an upgraded earlier
version will be mostly identical [1]. There had been some installer
changes which could affect your system, but as long as your system
runs fine, just upgrading it is fine.


[1] Apart from some glitches regarding the not-so-default Desktop
    background :-)

Martin Pitt             
Ubuntu Developer  
Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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