Community response of new ubuntu artwork

Michael Brandtner michael.brandtner at
Sun Oct 17 17:52:12 UTC 2004

Am Sonntag, den 17.10.2004, 08:20 -0400 schrieb volvoguy:

> When I was working for one of the United States largest technology
> companies, I would have gotten in trouble for having a fully clothed
> picture of my girlfriend on my desktop - hell, even a picture of my
> cat. In fact, I would have gotten in trouble for discussing religion
> at work, so that sure wasn't their motivation behind the rules.

Beside it sounds really horrible, even this "one of the largest
technology company" is able theme it themeselve.
In large companies nobody installs Ubuntu on his desktop to give it a
We are speaking from large rollouts, handled and/or supported by one of
the large Linux-companies like SuSE or RedHat.
SuSE and RedHat are not the leading companies in the US and Europe
because they've chosen boring themes, logos, and so on.
Ubuntu's first step is to gain mass-attraction. They can do it with
their unconventional name and a refreshing young appearance.


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